Thursday, July 2, 2009

June 16th 2009 Baby Shower

Our church was kind enough to give us a baby shower after Olivia was born. I felt so honored to be able to share this event with our friend Ashley who gave birth to their second daughter Alina who was born just a little over a week before Olivia.

Even though she had been passed around between all the women of the church she still slept until the very end when it was time to eat and get a clean diaper.

Ashley's baby girl Alina....Also taking a nap.

The ladies at the church blessed both Ashley and myself with a ton of wonderful gifts!
Thank You!!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

OH MY GOODNESS! I have got to follow your blog! I'm so glad you are blogging! Olivia is gorgeous!!! You should get on Facebook girl! Love ya,