Monday, February 11, 2008

Kristian's Freshman Homecoming

Oh my goodness! I've heard of having class spirit but those socks have to go!

Tracy and Kristian take a picture while waiting for the doors to open for the dance. He came home confident that the "talk" about boys went well.

They could almost pass for sisters
Kristian came home talking about this boy "Dalton" that is a complete stranger who asked her to dance. He just moved here from Tennessee and doesn't attend her school, he was there with his cousin. Then she explained that he has planned to call her the next day so she gets the phone at I guess the "don't talk to strangers" talk didn't go too well.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Well, I had made a deal with Joshua that he could grow his hair out until the Super Bowl and then it HAD to be, this is what he chose for the cut. He sweet talked the lady at the salon into using a TON of gel and color to give him a Mohawk but don't worry, it's just temporary.