Thursday, July 2, 2009

June 28th 2009 First Zoo Visit

We've been waiting for a cool day where we could take the kids to the zoo.

Olivia ready to go. We bought this hat from the zoo in May when we took the older kids to visit. Although I was still pregnant with Olivia we bought her a souvenier hat to wear when we could actually take her after she was born. I thought it went perfect with her skirt that her friend Jesstine loaned her:)

Olivia has been practicing her "O's".....we love to see her pucker.

The kids looking at the tigers, which haven't been at the Sedgwick County Zoo in 15 years.

A visit to the zoo wouldn't be the same if you didn't stop to eat lunch while there.

Kristian was not thrilled with the food selection.

June 27 2009 Special Moment For Dad

Ok, so I have things I can't wait to do with Olivia and for daddy this was one of his moments he had been waiting for. Taking his baby girl to her first trip to the hardware He actually asked me if I had the camera with me so I could capture the moment. So, here we are taking Olivia to Lowes to buy a new dishwasher. I think Tracy was excited that we had an appliance go out just so that he would have an excuse to take her. I'm pretty sure dad will have her doing little "honey do" jobs with him before long.

June 24th 2009

We had a very busy morning. We took Olivia to IMA where I use to work to meet all my friends who were so supportive during my pregnancies. I thought I was so prepared to capture the moment since I actually remembered my camera. Yeah Right! Can you believe I had my camera and got so caught up in the moment with everyone that I FORGOT to take pictures....Ugh!

After IMA we stopped by our fertility doctors office to share our bundle of joy with Dr. VonWald (Daddy remembered to take a picture). She really supported us and was the doctor who put our medical plan into place to get our little girl here safe and sound. Thank you Dr. VonWald! We will always be greatful.

June 16th 2009 Baby Shower

Our church was kind enough to give us a baby shower after Olivia was born. I felt so honored to be able to share this event with our friend Ashley who gave birth to their second daughter Alina who was born just a little over a week before Olivia.

Even though she had been passed around between all the women of the church she still slept until the very end when it was time to eat and get a clean diaper.

Ashley's baby girl Alina....Also taking a nap.

The ladies at the church blessed both Ashley and myself with a ton of wonderful gifts!
Thank You!!