We've been waiting for a cool day where we could take the kids to the zoo.
Olivia ready to go. We bought this hat from the zoo in May when we took the older kids to visit. Although I was still pregnant with Olivia we bought her a souvenier hat to wear when we could actually take her after she was born. I thought it went perfect with her skirt that her friend Jesstine loaned her:)
Olivia has been practicing her "O's".....we love to see her pucker.

The kids looking at the tigers, which haven't been at the Sedgwick County Zoo in 15 years.

A visit to the zoo wouldn't be the same if you didn't stop to eat lunch while there.

Kristian was not thrilled with the food selection.
1 comment:
Cheri, she is so beautiful! Your older girls are too!...they are getting soooo big! Hard to believe...
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